Monday, January 21, 2013

Computer and information research scientists are the ultimate hacker, these professionals re-purpose, redesign, innovate and re-invent computer and information technology. These are the guys and gals behind the scenes making history. They get to experiment with tech every day, to me this is the ultimate play ground. Computer and information research scientists are the top minds in the field, they

 Unlike most other computer or information tech jobs I've seen I consider the computer support specialist to be one of the worst professions to be in. Being a PC gamer from 93 on has made me the de facto computer expert with my family and friends, except those friends who took up trouble shooting as a job. Now don't get me wrong, most techs are really professional they show up, love their work and do a great job. Unfortunately some techs I've had to deal with, personally,  had either really bad customer service or lazy and sometimes incompetent techs. This happens because in the IT world, support specialist is the lowest rung of the profession, with the lowest amount of education and experience needed, not to mention the lowest average salary.
  Some of these jobs can be done over the phone or over the web.  Help-desk technicians can take on several problems coming from both phone and internet, they can work from home or at a call center and from any where in the world to help solve your computer problems. These job are being out sourced to other, much cheaper work forces, some of which is full time college students but more often it's another country altogether.

The middle ground between the to fore mentioned IT careers is quit diverse, but the computer programmer is the career that carries the best chance for success and advancement, in my view. Programing a system or a new program is like giving birth, it's a painful and frightening process of creation that can yield a rewards beyond anything you can possibly imagine. As an artist, this idea of creation speaks to me, deeply. although, I've been told, the amount work is daunting and many project will go unfulfilled for one reason or another and it is a great career, but it isn't for everyone.

   I think it is pretty obvius the the career I am shooting for, would be Computer and information research scientist. I love tech, and I mean all tech. I am also a hacker in the sense that I like taking things apart and finding new uses for them. I love to create and innovate. I consistently draw new designs that are based off current tech, but I like to integrate them in new interesting ways.
For example I once took several transistor radios and blended them together in such a way that I could power a flash light bulb with out any flicker no batteries necessary.

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